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Learner of the Month – Feb 2023

and today we celebrate this month’s LEARNER OF THE MONTH
Congratulations to Laura at Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium who has won the award.
Laura’s Training Consultant Gemma has said:
“I would like to nominate my Level 3 Learner Laura Restelli at Lady Dinah’s Cat Café for her hard work and dedication to producing such excellent work for her apprenticeship alongside her very busy job role.  She has produced an amazing show case and has met all deadlines set even when under extreme pressure.  Laura has been an absolute pleasure to support and work with and is now almost ready for her End Point Assessment (EPA). Not only is Laura studying for the mentoring role she is busy mentoring current members of staff to improve their skills and knowledge of their own roles too. 
Laura is Italian and she has also achieved Level 2 functional skills in English, Maths and ICT alongside all of this too!”
Amazing work Laura, you are a true example of how much you can achieve by undertaking an apprenticeship, well done!

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© 2021 KEITS Training Services Limited. All rights reserved. Registered in England. Registration Number: 3387664.