Wanting to kickstart your career? Wondering what options and courses are available to you? Find out how to get started, what to do next and where you can go.
Where to start?
What are your options? Take a look…
An apprenticeship is a training course that enables you to learn career specific skills and knowledge whilst gaining valuable experience to set you on the right path for your chosen career. Did you know that 1 in 5 business executives started out as apprentices? That means they worked hard but are now really reaping the rewards! You’re in good company.
Click below for more information about our apprenticeships.
Work-based Qualifications
A work-based qualification is a privately funded course that allows you to choose your own path when apprenticeships are not an option for you. Adult Learning Loans are available for some of these courses.
Click below for more information about our work-based qualifications.
Short Courses
Our short courses could top up your current skills and/or knowledge in a specific industry, provide you transferable skills and knowledge and may even help you get started on your chosen career path.
Click below for more information about our short courses.
Watch our video intro to Apprenticeships
Whether you are a potential apprentice, school or parent, our video presentation is a quick overview of what an apprenticeship is and how it works, plus we also cover some frequently asked questions.