“On behalf of KEITS Jack has been an absolute pleasure to support, he has always been polite and organised, watching his self-doubt grow in to self-belief has been a fantastic opportunity as his TC, I am extremely proud of him – an inspiration to us all. Jack is the epitome of what determination, hard work and self-belief (belief) can get you. Jack started his equine career in alternative education, finding school a challenge, Jack was fortunate enough to be able to attend an alternative education program at HEROS education, a charity founded by Grace Muir It was here that Jack first started to thrive with an initial ambition to follow a career in racing. Jack’s work ethic and well mannered nature led him to being offered an apprenticeship at North Farm Stud, owner by Grace Muir.From here with the support of North Farm Stud, KEITS has had the pleasure of being part of Jack’s journey to successes. It soon became very apparent that Jack had huge amount of self-doubt in his ability to succeed. So, with a fantastic collaboration of support from Jack’s family, North Farm Stud, HEROS and KEITS, little by little Jack’s confidence grew both in his equitation skills and his ability to meet the academic demands of an Equine Senior Groom apprenticeship. This has led to Jack competing successfully at Novice dressage on both his own horse Wallace and Horses that are retrained at HEROS, and is now working towards Elementary dressage.
Jack developed a unique visual learning technique to assist him in remembering the aspects of horse’s anatomy required for his EPA and this technique proved to be very successful – so much so, he achieved across all aspects of the End Point Assessment a very well deserved Distinction. Jack is a shining example of the old saying “from small acorns mighty oaks grow.”
Well done Jack.”
His employer Grace has said:
“Jack has been at HEROS since doing his Level 2 Diploma in the Racing Academy. Jack has always struggled with academic work at school but excelled during his level 3. His determination and drive were evident from the start and it certainly paid off with a pass at distinction level.
Jack has always been a pleasure to employ and have around, he is no trouble at all and has, through his level 3 journey found his voice and is much more assertive. He is now in a pupil yard supervisor role which we are working to upgrading in a short time to the full position. Jack is an exemplary employee and I am so proud of what he has achieved as none of it has been easy for him. A great result for a great student.”