There have been some changes to KEITS responsibilities for assessment of health & safety for locations where apprenticeships and traineeships are being undertaken. KEITS is no longer expected to complete an appraisal of health & safety, as this is and really always has been the responsibility of the employer or work experience provider. HSE have issued new guidance please see the links below.
Training & Competence for the workplace:
Work Experience providers:
Young People at work FAQ:
Going forward KEITS will not be undertaking initial or annual Health & Safety Appraisal for employers with whom we are working. We will be capturing contact details so that we know who to contact in an emergency regarding health & safety and safeguarding. We have agreed with Peninsula, our advisors for Health & Safety and who also provide an advice line for KEITS employers, that we can share a checklist, for you to carry out self-assessment for your business. This may act as a reminder for all aspects that should be considered to maintain compliance with HSE requirements as an employer. Please see this document: H&S_Employer check_list
KEITS will continue to provide training for your apprentices & trainees as part of their curriculum, designed to meet all requirements of their programme. If any concerns are raised as a result of our work with your employees, we will discuss them immediately with you.