KEITS decided to help raise money for Children In Need by running two events. One event was a Cake Sale. KEITS staff baked cakes and sold them to raise money. We all brought our efforts in on Thursday morning and set up a table at Head Office with all the cakes displayed on stands and pretty plates. There was a great variety of tasty treats including a coffee and walnut cake, jam tarts, chocolate cookies, banana bread, lemon drizzle cake, rock cakes, flap jack and malt loaf. We opened the stall at 11am and everyone came along to buy something or a few things! We also invited people from businesses surrounding KEITS to come along and buy our cakes.
Everything sold really well and we made over £100!
The second event was ‘Name The Teddy’. We asked our staff and businesses that we work with to come up with a name for a teddy. Once we had all the names we pulled one out of a hat and the name that came out was Morgan. This was the choice of Joseph Frost who works at KEITS Head Office. Congratulations, Joe he is now the proud owner of Morgan and a tin of chocolates!
KEITS raised £211.12. Thank you to everyone who donated and assisted with these events!