Welcome to Part 2 in our School Leaver Series!
School has been a huge part of you for most of your life and now it is time to make a decision about what is next.
Are you struggling to make the decision about what is right for you?
This week we take a look at some of the options available to you, stay at school, go to college or do an apprenticeship!
If you are turning 16 you will have the option to stay at school to undertake A-Levels. This is the only option for some as they are very important if you are looking at going to University to study a specific career pathway such as becoming a Vet or a Doctor. If you are turning 18 and have completed your A-Levels, it is time to fly the school nest with either college, university, an apprenticeship or work.
College is an alternative option with more of a school like structure. Colleges offer a wide range of courses in an environment where you are treated more like young adults. The courses are often a mixture of classroom learning, case studies and practical work depending on the course you are undertaking.
Apprenticeships are available for people of all ages and they offer a work-based learning structure. An apprenticeship is an opportunity to start out in your chosen industry learning the skills and knowledge you need for a career in that industry. An apprenticeship is a job, and you will be earning money whilst you are learning. An apprenticeship is structured with a minimum of 20% of your working week off the job training/learning, and the rest of the time you will be undertaking practical working roles building your skills and confidence. On completion of an apprenticeship you will have a qualification, along with work experience and references for your next role or for future training. As an apprentice you are treated like an adult and have all the same rights as any employee and will be supported through your learning journey. An apprenticeship is beneficial to people who wish to start a career in a specific sector and they cover a wide ranges of industries such as construction, business, horticulture, accounting or animal care.
Which is right for you?
It is important you know all the options available to you and we hope that the above gives you a better understanding of how each pathway is different and which may be better suited to you and the way you learn. Some people enjoy school and college environment, whilst others prefer to be working and learning in a more practical way. If you are still not sure what to do, find something that interests you and have a go, you never know where it might lead.
Keep an eye out for the Part 3 in our School Leaver Series, next week!